Graphic Design

“All great changes are simple” - Ezra Pound -

The brand image of tour business has to convey its mission, values, target and design. All elements need to be coordinated within each other harmonically.


Steve Jobs: “If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple or proportionally spaced fonts.”

The logo of your company tells the world who you are. It lays down the base for your unique brand image.  

The concept of what is graphic design is wide and it can include different elements: typography, images and graphic composition.  

Did you know there are professional studies on the “personality” of fonts? It is necessary, then, to choose the correct font according to the message you want to deliver.  

Artmosfera takes charge of the visual aspects of your brand image. We study in details the content creation.  

Colour, composition of the images and font are out best features. Our team of professionals makes sure that the brand image of your business is unique, original and carefully crafted.  


Coordinated image

Business card

With the term “coordinated image” we mean the graphic design and the visual aspect of your business delivered through the logo, letterhead, business card, catalogs, website… 

We can speak of coherence of communication and expression when all the elements of a marketing strategy come together harmonically.  

The studio of the logo and of the image is not confined merely to its graphic elements, but it lays down the base for all the visual aspects connected to the communication and promotion of your business or company.  

Some examples:


Con l’invio del presente modulo dichiaro di avere letto l'Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali e autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Regolamento generale europeo sulla protezione dei dati GDPR (Regolamento UE 2016/679)

Concept & Design

Concept, Design & Creatività
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Graphic Design

Immagine aziendale, logotipo, cataloghi
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Web Design

Realizzazione siti internet e ecommerce
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Ottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca
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Social Media

Gestione dei canali social, Marketing e Promozione
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Campagne Pubblicitarie

Campagne pubblicitarie online e offline
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